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001579_owner-lightwav…mail.webcom.com_Sun Oct 29 07:09:38 1995.msg
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Date: Sun, 29 Oct 1995 10:02:35 -0500
From: RME3D@aol.com
Message-Id: <951029100234_92402821@emout06.mail.aol.com>
To: lightwave@mail.webcom.com
Subject: Re: Win95 and children
Sender: owner-lightwave@mail.webcom.com
Precedence: bulk
Hey it's SUNDAY AM Lightwave-Preacher
>In a message dated 95-10-28 13:24:03 EST, you write:
>Before you ask, "Why would you want to run Win95 if you have NT?" Because to
>justify purchasing the Pentium100 system to my wife (since I already had an
>Amgia200 and 1200) I had to say it was for my 6 year old son, so he could
>it for educational programs :-) Tricky, but necessary. IMHO.
I have had to deal with this issue here.
We started out with AMIGA's.
I have a 4.5 year old that loves the computers cause he has been brought up
'around them' and has been allowed to 'use them'.
We never bought a, sega, saturn, game-boy, etc. for him, and would prefer to
purchase a computer-game than another system. We are not very pleased with
the software industries, shoot-em-up, kill this, explode that, games. But I
wouldn't mind sneaking a few 'with our son' every now and then. He his
allowed to play anything, anywhere, we just wont buy it.
Until we installed <win95 with 'hover-game' and then 'plus with pinball
game'> most of the time he would fire up Dpaint or Toaster, or play A-Train,
yes he started early <3.5> ! :)
Don't miss this...
Kids can learn so much, by looking at ICONS!!
Sort of like 'Egyptian kodak wall paintings', a picture is worth a thousand
What I really wanted to discuss, oh the point...
Buy another CPU for the kids, so that you won't be sharing...
your money making, exponential learning curve expander system.
Of course you can do what I do...
I have the right to throw anyone off the 3 amigas or one windows machine we
Hey... a mans home is his pallace, and I work at home, I mean... at the
Sometimes we make 'deals, monty hall', and play musical chairs,
Wanna use the toaster, I need the database?
I have to go... Brett <4.5> wants me to show him how to field render,
he heard me talking about the FR posts, and wants to SEE what its all about!
Gotta feed his brain!
RME3D@aol.com sent this message.
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